Scholarship Opportunities

 Terry Fox Humanitarian Award is open to graduating secondary students and those studying toward a first year university degree or diploma in a Canadian post-secondary institution.

The maximum award value is 28,000 disbursed over 4 years.  Deadline is February 1st of each year.  For award criteria, please visit: 


Opportunity to receive $2000-2500   Mitchell Optimists invite local students under the age of 18, who haven’t yet graduated to contact them regarding this year’s Oratorical contest: "Is there a fine line between Optimism and Reality?"  Please see Student Services for more information.


Kinette logoKinettes–Serving the Community’s Greatest Need
Kin Canada Bursaries were established in 1994 and are funded by Kinsmen and Kinettes across Canada. The program was established to promote, encourage and sponsor educational programs and activities, by providing financial assistance in the amount of $1000 to applicants in their quest for higher learning at a recognized post-secondary institution.
                            For award criteria and application form, please see Student Services.
Scholar Tree 
Scholarship season is fully underway. There is currently 7.5 Million Dollars worth of scholarships that are open for applications on ScholarTree! Once students complete their profile they will be matched to all of the awards that they qualify for.

We know now is when students start to plan for next year financially. So we wanted to remind you that there is a downloadable budget template available to everyone at the bottom of

Before you start applying, you may want to check out an article from Scholar Tree for some helpful information:


Not all awards will apply to all students. For students to get a list customized to them and weekly email reminders of deadlines, they should create a profile on ScholarTree. At the top left, they can use the filter “Applications Open” to only see those scholarships that are currently accepting applications.

Finally, ScholarTree has partnered with York University to create content to give away 1 free year of tuition. If interested in going to York, apply to the contest here: (this offer is open to students across Canada, not just Ontario students as shown on the ScholarTree page)


Don't forget to follow ScholarTree on social!



Western’s National Scholarship Program supports the dreams of top students whose potential can be realized through a world-class education at one of Canada’s leading universities.

We’re looking for high-potential applicants who excel in the classroom and in their extracurricular pursuits. And we’re serious about attracting and rewarding the best.

Here’s a sampling of what we offer:

  • One Beryl Ivey Continuing Entrance Scholarship valued at $72,000;
  • One President's Entrance Scholarship valued at $70,000;
  • Four President’s Entrance Scholarships valued at $65,000 and up to 15 more at $50,000;
  • Three International President’s Entrance Scholarships valued at $50,000 for international (visa) students;
  • Up to 15 Faculty Entrance Scholarships valued at $30,000;
  • Up to 39 National Scholarship Study Abroad Awards valued up to $5,000;
  • Up to 50 National Merit Awards valued at $2,000 for one year.


More details about all the scholarship programs offered at Western can be found online at and if you have any questions, our Student Financial Services Officer Norma Merino would be pleased to help at 519-661-2111 extension 85958 or email [email protected]


Western University is proud to be one of the 20 participating university partners of one of the largest and most prestigious scholarship programs, the Schulich Leader Scholarship program.

With this partnership, Western is in support of students pursuing their dreams to become the next global pioneers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. The scholarships are awarded to students on the basis of academic excellence and leadership, charisma and creativity.  Strong consideration will be given to students with financial need.

Applicants should be entrepreneurial minded, and intend to pursue a career in one or more of the following areas:  Technology, engineering, entrepreneurship and business enterprise, applied scientific research.


Each year, Western will select 2 students to receive a Schulich Leader Scholarship:

  1. $100,000 to a student pursuing an Engineering degree
  2. $80,000 to a student pursuing a Science, Technology or Math degree

For more information on the Schulich Leader Scholarships:



Storwell Logo

Storwell is pleased to offer an annual bursary of $2000 in support of foster children to help them attend post-secondary schools and to offer a hand up as they make their way forward in life.

Please click here to access the Storwell bursary application.



Loran Scholarship  -- Applications Now Available

  • Valued at more than $100,000 over four years, including mentorship, funding for summer work experiences and participation in an extensive network of past and present scholars.
  • Applications accepted until October 11, 2023

WWF: Go Wild Grant

  • Grants of $1,500 are available to support plans for nature restoration and protection. Students can come up with a plan and write the grant application.
  • This grant is available for elementary and secondary schools.
  • Deadline to apply is October 23, 2023.

**NEW for 2024 - Josslin Insurance Young Leader Award

In the belief empowering our young people is the best way toward a brighter future, Josslin Insurance is pleased to announce its Young Leader Award. This award will be granted to a student making a difference in their community.  The award is open to students in all disciplines, from University to College and trade schools.

Created in conjunction with the Centre for Family Business, the award will support a young person’s post-secondary education plans in the amount of $2,500.

  • The deadline for application is May 8, 2024.
  • Application Link
  • For questions, please contact Centre for Family Business at [email protected]
  • The winner will be honoured at the CFFB Gala Event on May 30,2024

**NEW for 2024** Voice of the Future Scholarship is offering a $1,000 scholarship to students who are ready to stand up and speak out on the issues that matter most to them. Whether it’s climate change, mental health, educational equity, or any other challenge facing your generation, they want to hear from you.

How to Apply

  • Record Your Video: Create a short video (1-3 minutes) where you discuss one of the major issues facing young people today. Tell us what you think needs to be done to address it. Be creative, be honest, and be yourself. You must mention in the video that it is for the scholarship.
  • Submit Your Application: Upload your video to a video-sharing platform (YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, etc.) and fill out the application form on our website. You’ll need to include your contact information, a link to your video, and a brief description of the issue you’re discussing.
  • Share Your Vision: Post your video on social media with the hashtag #FPVoiceoftheFuture and tag us Let’s get the conversation started and show the world the power of your ideas.
  • Fill out the form on the website: After you’ve posted and shared your video, fill out the form with your contact details and a link to your video & posts. This is so we can be sure we don’t miss any applications and are able to reach the winner.


  • You must be a current high school senior, college student, or graduate student.
  • You must be enrolled or applying to/accepted at an accredited college or university within Canada for the upcoming academic year.
  • We welcome applications from students of all majors and areas of study.

Deadline and Award

  • Applications Open: March 1st 2024
  • Application Deadline: June 30th 2024
  • Award Announcement: July 30th 2024

Further details, application form, and criteria. 


**NEW for 2024** Summer Company Program

The Summer Company program aims to inspire students aged 15-29 to explore entrepreneurship and to equip them with the tools they need to succeed. Students learn how to run a business, receive mentorship and training, and develop skills that are highly valued in all workplaces.

How it Works

  • You will receive valuable business training and coaching.
  • Up to $1,500 up front to help with start up costs.
  • Up to $1,500 when you successfully complete the program requirements at the end of the summer, plus all the money you earn from your business!

Dates and Hours

  • Intake opens February 14, 2024
  • The application deadline is May 17, 2024 at 4:30pm
  • Start date – early June
  • Program wraps up – mid August

Over the summer program period, be prepared to commit: Minimum of 280 hours for high school students

Who is Eligible

You could be eligible, if you:

  • Are a student between the ages of 15 and 29
  • Are a Canadian citizen or permanent resident who lives in Ontario
  • Are not working at another job more than 12 hours a week during the program or going to school
  • Are returning to school after the program ends
  • See the full Summer Company eligibility check list
**NEW for 2024**

Horatio Alger Vocational & Technical Education Scholarships

This year, twenty-five $3,000 Scholarships will be funded through the generosity of the Members of the Horatio Alger Association of Canada. The Vocational & Technical Education Scholarships are awarded to eligible students across all provinces and territories in Canada.

To be eligible for the Horatio Alger Vocational and Technical Education Scholarship Program, an applicant must:

  • Have completed high school (or earned high school equivalency credential) by July 1
  • Applying or enrolling for Fall 2024 in a vocational or technical certificate program at a government or not-for-profit institution with direct pathways to employment
  • Demonstrated critical financial need ($65,000 or less annual net income per family is required)
  • Demonstrated perseverance in overcoming adversity
  • Be under the age of 35
  • Be a Canadian citizen

The application for the Horatio Alger Vocational & Technical Education Scholarship is now open until June 17, 2024, at 12:00 PM EST.

For further details and application steps visit the website: Horatio Alger Vocational & Technical Education Scholarships