Learning Commons

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Welcome to the MDHS Learning Commons!

library catalog
eBooks, audiobooks
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Select the Library Catalogue icon on the top left in the above table and enter term(s) to start a search.

Library Policies

The MDHS library is open from 8:30 to 3:30 every day and at lunch.

Please come in and borrow magazines and books, computer surf, play board games or just enjoy a quiet sit in the reading room.

If there is a good book you are looking for and it is not in the library please make a recommendation.

  • Respect our library space. Use quiet voices.
  • Chromebooks are for school-related use only- NO social networking or games.
  • Loan period- 2 weeks
  • Please return books promptly.
  • No eating in the library

Research Help

Gale database EBSCOhost database Explora database


Information you can trust, GALEEBSCOhost,  EXPLORA  Three great searchable databases sorted by subject area. Academic OneFile, Agriculture Collection, LegalTrac, Science in Context, Student Edition – K-12, and many more! A wide variety of Ebooks are also available here.  If you require a password, please see the Library staff.


Canadian Points of ViewCanadian Points of View provides students with resources that present multiple sides of a current issue–containing information on key topics of interest to Canadian researchers. Each topic includes an overview (objective background/description), point (argument), counterpoint (opposing argument), and Critical Thinking Guide.


Teen Health & WellnessTeen Health and Wellness is designed to meet the needs of teenagers in the areas of health, fitness, alcohol, drugs, mental health, family life, and more. No topic is off-limits and information is provided from a medical viewpoint, so students can discretely locate information that they know is accurate and reliable.



Britannica OnlineBritannica Online  An easy to use research resource with videos, photos, interactive maps and over 500 000 links to articles, websites and periodicals.





Statistics Canada

Statistics Canada  Canadian Statistics at your fingertips. With E-STAT you can generate dynamic tables, customize graphs and maps using Statistics Canada’s Census of Population and socioeconomic data.





Resume TemplatesFree Resume Templates  Resume tips and free professional resume templates you can personalize.


How to write a bibliography and NOT plagiarize!


Helpful Tools and Links

  • Pixton Online comic creator
  • Khan Academy library of over 2400 videos covering everything from arithmetic to physics, finance, and history and 125 practice exercises, Khan helps you learn whatever you want, whenever you want, at your own pace.

Other Useful Links