Specialist High Skills Major

What is a SHSM?
The Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) is a specialized, Ministry-approved program that allows students to focus their learning on a specific economic sector while meeting the requirements of the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD).
SHSMs assist students in their transition from secondary school to apprenticeship training, college, university, or the workplace. These programs enable students to gain sector-specific skills and knowledge in engaging, career-related learning environments, and prepare in a focused way for graduation and post-secondary education, training, or employment.
Students who are enrolled in the program will complete sector-recognized certifications and or training courses as well as be part of career exploration activities such as field trips and hearing from expert guest speakers.
At MDHS, we offer three SHSM programs:
Hospitality and Tourism
The Hospitality Specialist High Skills Major program at Mitchell District High School builds on the success of the culinary program. As part of our program, students operate the Twisted Carrot café where they plan, prepare, market and serve a wide variety of meals. Through connections with local farmers and our own garden, the students gain seed-to-table understanding and learn about the importance of farmers in the food chain and environmental issues. Students also work on catering events that allow them to develop their serving and food preparation skills.
What will students in a hospitality and tourism major study?
- Sector Specific Courses – Pathway Chart of Credits and Certifications
- Two cooperative education credits to gain workplace experience that enables students to refine, extend and practice sector-specific knowledge and skills.
- Experiential learning, career exploration and reach ahead activities within the sector.
- Certifications and training programs/courses in first aid, CPR, hazardous materials and customer service.
- Essential Skills and work habits required in the sector.
For hospitality and tourism majors, possible careers include:
- Apprenticeship – baker, cook, chef, special events coordinator
- College – flight attendant, food service manager
- University – nutritionist, dietician, hotel/resort manager
- Entry level workplace – hotel valet, bartender
It is clear that agriculture plays a major role in the lives of many families connected to Mitchell District High School. As a result, students will now be given the opportunity to enroll in this specialist high skills program and learn about many different areas of agriculture while completing their regular studies.
What will students in an agriculture major study?
Sector Specific Courses – Pathway Chart of Credits and Certifications.
- Two cooperative education credits to gain workplace experience that enables students to refine, extend and practice sector-specific knowledge and skills.
- Experiential learning, career exploration and reach ahead activities within the sector.
- Certifications and training programs/courses in first aid, CPR, hazardous materials and customer service.
- Essential Skills and work habits required in the sector.
The SHSM–Food Processing enables students to build a foundation of sector-focused knowledge and skills before graduating and entering apprenticeship training, college, university, or an entry-level position in the workplace. Students will now be given the opportunity to enroll in this specialist high skills program and learn about many different areas of food processing while completing their regular studies.
What will students in a food processing major study?
- Sector Specific Courses – SHSM – Food Processing Chart of Certifications and Credits.
- Two cooperative education credits to gain workplace experience that enables students to refine, extend and practice sector-specific knowledge and skills.
- Experiential learning, career exploration and reach ahead activities within the sector.
- Certifications and training programs, 4 compulsory courses in CPR Level C (includes AED), Food Safety Level 1, Standard First Aid, Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) – general and 3 elective courses
- Essential Skills and work habits required in the sector.
- Apprenticeship – Baker, Butcher, Millwright, Industrial Electrician, Process Control and Machine Operators, Food and Beverage Processing
- College – Food Processing Technician, Laboratory Technicians, Packaging Technician, Quality Control Technician–Food Processing
- University – Food Scientist, Food Inspectors, Registered Dietitian, Food Research and Development, Quality Assurance Regulatory Supervisor
- Entry level workplace – Line Operator, Process Labourer, Sanitation Workers, Machine Operators, Material Handler, Packaging, Warehousing